Top Words in COVID & Corona Domain Names – Text Basics

Top Words in COVID & Corona Domain Names

A few basics on determining the most popular terms in a dataframe of text. In this case, the dataframe is domain names that have been exported into a csv. For my example, I have a list of ~205,000 domain names with that has been compiled with ‘covid’ and/or ‘corona’. My purpose is to understand the other most popular terms associated with these two terms.

import pandas as pd
import glob
from pandas import ExcelWriter
from pandas import ExcelFile
domains = pd.read_csv("c:/users/chris/allcorona2.csv", delimiter=',' )

#create a subset of the dataframe
domains = domains[['tld', 'domainname', 'term_split', 'termlength', 'spellerror', 'lema']]
#or delete specific columns
domains.drop(columns = ['ref', 'spcorrpercent'] )
Corona COVID domain name dataset


Clean the text by removing any spaces at the beginning of the word, lowercase the text and remove extra spaces. You’ll also see that I found some words that my dictionary did not properly split i.e. ‘co vid’ so I’ve taken these words and replaced them with the correct term – ‘covid’.

#split the words into unique elements, clean, stack, etc.
import pandas as pd
import re
#create a new variable using term_split
domains['clean'] = domains['term_split']  

#remove any spaces at the beginning of the text
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].str.strip()

# change all text to be lowercase
domains['clean'] = [word.lower() for word in domains['clean']]

#remove hyphens
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].astype(str).apply(lambda x: x.replace('-', ''))

#my dictionary wasn't always so perfect in seperating 'covid' and corona - so I'm padding the term first
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].replace(["c ovid", "co vid", "covi d", "cov id", "covi d"], " covid ")
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].replace(["c orona", "co rona", "cor ona", "coro na", "coron a"], " corona ")

#ensure terms are properly represented using various methods - replace, lambda
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].apply(str)
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].replace(to_replace = "virus", value = " virus ")
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].replace(str(domains['clean'])," ").replace("*virus*"," virus ")
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].replace({"corona", " corona "})

# then clean up any double spacing I created
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].astype(str).apply(lambda x: x.replace(' ', ''))
domains['clean'] = domains['clean'].astype(str).apply(lambda x: x.replace('covid', ' covid '))

domains['clean'].str.split().tolist() #expand=False

#Other useful methods to clean text for ease of reference
# .stack()
# .drop_duplicates()
# .replace(r'[\-\!\@\#\$\%\^\*\(\)\_\+\[\]\;\'\.\,\/\{\}\:\"\;\&\?\|]','')
Corona and COVID list of domain names

Corona and COVID list of domain names

With the terms all cleaned, I consolidate all of the terms by flattening them into a list and run my counter.

import itertools
from itertools import chain
import collections
#add in a column for the number of words in each domainname
domains['num_words'] = [len(sentence.split()) for sentence in domains['clean']]

# Flatten the list of words
domainwords = list(chain.from_iterable(map(str.split, domains['clean'])))

# Create counter
word_counts = collections.Counter(domainwords)

# show the top x words
Corona and COVID domain name terms with the volume count

Corona and COVID domain name terms with the volume count

Looking at the results of the counter, I noticed there are some words I want to exclude. Note, as these are domain names using a out-of-the-box cleaner does not fit my purpose so I’m doing it by hand. This is particularly helpful if you have scrapped files and want to remove html coding.

import itertools
from itertools import chain
import collections

# remove words not wanted in the list.  Keep in mind the domain names had to have the term covid or corona to be included in the dataset
remove_words = ['a', 'and', 'to', 'the', 'in', 'of', 'for', 'is', 'on', 'e', 'it', 'be', 'as', 's', 'covid', 'corona', '19']
domainwords = [word.lower() for word in domainwords if word.lower() not in remove_words]

# Create counter
word_counts = collections.Counter(domainwords)
# show the top x words

Lists are boring…so a quick bar graph to show the top 25 terms.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
word_counts_a = pd.DataFrame(word_counts.most_common(25), columns=['words', 'count'])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 8))
# Plot horizontal bar graph
word_counts_a.sort_values(by = 'count').plot.barh(x = 'words',
y = 'count',
ax = ax ,
color = "blue")
ax.set_title("Top Words contained with 'COVID' & 'Corona' Domain Names Registered in 2020")
Words in COVID and Corona domain names

Words in COVID and Corona domain names

We can easily see the biggest term is ‘virus’ with the corona/covid term which isn’t a big surprise but let’s zoom in a bit more, bar chart after the top three words.

#view a subset
word_counts_b = word_counts_df[3:40]

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 17))

# Plot horizontal bar graph
word_counts_b.sort_values(by = 'count').plot.barh(x = 'words',
y = 'count',
ax = ax ,
color = "purple")

ax.set_title("Top Words (after the top word) contained with 'COVID' & 'Corona' Domain Names Registered in 2020")
Top words in domains containing 'COVID" and/or "Corona"

Top words in domains containing ‘COVID” and/or “Corona”

So now we have a better perspective on the relative volume of the other terms.
Create a Pandas dataframe with the top 5,000 terms for further analysis.  One last step:

word_counts_df = pd.DataFrame(word_counts.most_common(5000), columns = ['words', 'count'])

#view a subset
word_counts_b = word_counts_df[1:40]

And now, I can work on analyzing these words or take the entire dataset for further analysis.

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